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 Loots [DR]

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Nombre de messages : 129
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2006

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MessageSujet: Loots [DR]   Loots [DR] Icon_minitimeDim 15 Jan à 21:44

Citation :
Item Names:
Red is for the Albion version; Green is for the Hibernian version; and Blue is for the Midgard version.

General Inferno Loot
Drops off normal mobs in Inferno

Gem of Unquiet Souls
18 Dexterity
6% Power pool
5% stat debuff effectiveness
6 Power cap

Ring of Unquiet Souls
18 Strength
48 Hits
12 AF
6 Strength cap

Necklace of Unquiet Souls
18 Quickness
48 Hits
12 AF
6 Strength cap

Bracer of Unquiet Souls
18 Acuity
6% Power pool
5% Healing effectiveness
6 Power cap

Cloak Of Unquiet Souls
60 Hits
15 AF
60 Hits Cap

One-Time Drops
Items that go to all players in the kill group who have not received the item before.

Astaroth's Ring of Abomination / Grimeil's Ring of the Grotesque / Soltinn's Ring of Spite
40 Hits
6% Cold
5% Heat
5% Energy
12 AF
40 Hits cap
200/50% Health Buffer charge

Xaphan's Bracer of Zeal / Malairt's Bracer of the Mad / Ofridr's Bracer of Oppression
15 Dexterity
6% Body
5% Spirit
5% Cold
12 AF
5 Dexterity cap
75 Dex/Qui buff charge

Abaddon's Necklace of Anger / Teugmhail's Necklace of Terror / Farbjordr's Necklace of Fright
15 Strength
6% Spirit
5% Body
5% Matter
12 AF
5 Strength Cap
75 Str/Con buff charge

Belial's Gem of Bleakness / Unhallowed Gem of Uamhas
40 Hits
6% Heat
5% Cold
5% Spirit
12 AF
40 hits cap
20% Haste charge

Moloch's Belt of the Mad / Glamain's Belt of Gloom / Banahogg's Belt of the Brute
40 Hits
6% Energy
5% Matter
5% Body
12 AF
40 hits cap
75 AF buff charge

Skull of the Soul Keeper (Legion, All?)
15 Strength
15 Constitution
40 Hits
6 Strength Cap
6 Constitution Cap
10 AF
230 point Heal charge (/use)
75 AF buff 10 min duration charge (/use2)

Charred Pentaglyph (Azazel / Crom Cruiach / Utgard-Lok)
6% Energy
6% Body
6% Spirit
6% Matter
6% Heat
10 AF
230 value heal charge (/use)
200/50% Health Buffer charge (/use2)

Quest Items
You will receive these items as you progress through the Champion Quests.

Wayfinder Amulet (End of Chapter 2)
18 Strength
18 Quickness
6 Strength Cap
60 Str/Con buff charge

Updated DF Items

Director's Ring of Oblivion (Director Kobil)
15 Strength
15 Dexterity
5 Dexterity cap
5 Strength cap
10 AF
6% Matter
? value Damage Shield charge

Director's Ring of Anarchy (Director Kobil)
15 Dexterity
15 Acuity
10 AF
5 Dexterity cap
5 Acuity cap
6% Matter
75 Dex/Qui buff charge

Gatekeeper Bracer of Chaos (Gatekeeper Dommel)
2 Stealth
22 Dexterity
60 Hits
6% Energy
5 Dexterity cap
20% Haste 10 min duration charge (/use)
11.3 Damage Add ? duration charge (/use2)

Gatekeeper Bracer of Oblivion (Gatekeeper Dommel)
2 Parry
22 Strength
60 Hits
6% Energy
5 Strength Cap
20% Haste 10 min duration charge (/use)
11.3 Damage Add, ? duration charge (/use2)
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